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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Standing on my hind legs

I'm in that wonderfully euphoric state that comes when you met all of your specific deadlines and responsibilities. I gave my last seminar of the summer today, and while it wasn't my best seminar ever, it was fine. It was on the part of my research which is mostly complete and past, and that I'm not that excited about anymore. Once in awhile, though, it is nice to return to the work from one's past, especially if one can look at it and say "that was good work, and I'm proud of it," which I can. Which means it was a good seminar, for me, anyway.

There are no more talks on my schedule -- I even resolutely refused to give another research talk next week. Nothing else to do for the rest of the summer except work! No distractions no seminars, just good science*! Oh the joy, the delight, the giddiness -- all science all the time.

*Oh, and the probable acquisition of the espresso-machine-with-spikes (!) if I ever actually get paid.

Location: Currently, Berkeley, United States

I'm an academic scientist who is both abroad and a broad. I am on the road so often that I have a house solely so that my cats will have somewhere to live.

Okay, fine. If you really really want to, and don't care how long it is between mail checks, you can send email to ascientistabroad  {a}gmail{dot}com

And, okay, sometimes there are comments. But it's my blog and I'll delete anything I want.

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