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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

How dare she.

The Today Show this morning had a piece on how it is dangerous -- dangerous! -- to empower girls, lead by a woman, who said, essentially, that girls should be feminine, and that powergirls are unhealthy. Well, FUCK HER. She can go crawl back into her little June Cleaver apron and straight into traffic.

If she wants to go be little SAHM, she can do that, but how dare she preach depriving other girls, girls who might see themselves as more than just a man's accessory, of the right to make their own decisions. BITCH.

I feel slightly better now.


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Sulphur Siren said...

That was so totally ridiculous. Apparently she thinks being a empowering girls stresses them out. My favorite part of the segment was when she depicted the power mom (who is clearly at fault for empowering her daughter) as coming home and having a drink to cope with her stressful day. 'That is such a bad example. They should exercise together.'

Just go ahead and drive a spike into my brain. This woman is a trip. Apparently her vision of a powerful woman is a blobby drunk. If my mother came home from work and said "Come on, honey, let's exercise!" I would have gotten a total complex about my body. Of course, that isn't a REAL problem for girls today.

Empowering girls means letting them do things for themselves. I live in bacward-ass redneck hickville and the girls are definitely not empowered for the most part. BUT I was very happy to see loads of girls on the soccer fields. These girls kick ass! They are 8-9 years old and not at all timid. It is sad to think that they will probably be very different in 5 years when the social pressure really tries to squashes them in crappy gender roles.


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