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Sunday, June 18, 2006

update 3

Yesterday I was very brave and took the train -- two of them, actually -- to Aachen for the afternoon. It went okay, largely because most of the Deutsch-Bahn (DB) employees speek English, and are very helpful to the foreigner. I was able to figure out which train I wanted from Juelich to Dueren, or rather, I guessed right. I made an error in the ticket, apparently, although I still haven't figured out how I was supposed to have done it.

I arrived at the Juelich Bahnhof just after 1 in the afternoon, which is when the kiosk (manned by a live person) closes. So I made my best guess as to which side of the tracks I needed, and sat out in the sun until the train arrived. Like most of the German services I have encountered so far, the train was prompt and clean, and, of far more importance, well-labelled.

So I watched everyoe else buy their tickets from the machine on the little train (really a bus on tracks), and then did the same but for my destination. When I got busted on the DB train into Aachen, the conductor told me I had bought a bus ticket -- but I bought it on the train, so I'm confused. Next time I will know, though. In due course, our little train arrived in Dueren, where I had to switch. Everything was, of course, just fine, and I spent a pleasant afternoon wandering around Aachen, culminating in a visit to the bookstore (very like a Boarders) and the discovery of a very good chocolatier.

This is horse country, countryside with wheat and beets. As far as I can tell, almost every family in my village has a horse or a pony. I spend a lot of time jealous, and on this morning's run was passed by a couple of girls out exercises their animals. I want one!

Today is the ``Zitadellen Fest'', and I see ticket vendors by the old castle gates -- I think that the faire is actually within the castle walls -- a hard act to follow for any American Faire. After I've eaten, I'll go over there and walk around, see the sights. And then, like almost every other evening, I wil be back here at Leibervoll, this time with the group to watch the Brazil-somebody or other soccer match. Yesterday, the cheese-monger, in an effor to foster more communications, brought up the US match and said they played today. He was chargirned and amused when is said "oh, really? I thought they were done" -- although I feel very much at home here, it was a very clear illustration that, in fact, I am not.

On that note, I made a very sad discovery today. It turns out that "Eiskaffee" in this country is _not_, in fact, iced coffee as I had delightedly believed, but an ice cream float made with coffee. Sigh.

Location: Currently, Berkeley, United States

I'm an academic scientist who is both abroad and a broad. I am on the road so often that I have a house solely so that my cats will have somewhere to live.

Okay, fine. If you really really want to, and don't care how long it is between mail checks, you can send email to ascientistabroad  {a}gmail{dot}com

And, okay, sometimes there are comments. But it's my blog and I'll delete anything I want.

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